Luigi Germinario è convener della sessione Weathering and conservation of cultural heritage and geosites del convegno JpGU 2021 che si terrà a Yokohama e online tra fine maggio e inizio giugno. Ecco il messaggio ai colleghi:
Dear colleagues,
We would like to invite you to submit a contribution for the session “Weathering and conservation of cultural heritage and geosites” [M-IS09], within the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021 ( Our session will be held entirely online on June 5th, and will include oral and poster presentations. You can register your ID and submit your abstract at The deadline is February 18th (5:00 pm JST), but the submission fee is discounted until February 4th (11:59 pm JST).SESSION SCOPE
Cultural heritage (World Heritage Sites, historical structures, archaeological artifacts, etc.) and geoheritage (geosites, geoparks, etc.) are exposed to weathering in the geological and human time scale. The resulting deterioration of the rocks and other geological materials in cultural and natural contexts can be often severe and demands the prompt adoption of conservation measures. The relevant research involves a range of disciplines: mineralogy, geomorphology, geoarchaeology, environmental science, engineering geology, materials science, analytical chemistry, etc. However, our knowledge on many aspects is still limited. This session welcomes contributions presenting original research, case studies, and discussions on damage assessment, experimental techniques, monitoring, predictive models, conservation procedures, documentation, etc., related to geological materials in cultural heritage and geosites.CONVENERS
Luigi Germinario (University of Padova, Italy |
Chiaki T. Oguchi (Saitama University, Japan |
Ákos Török (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary |
Tetsuya Waragai (Nihon University, Japan | hope this will be a good opportunity for a virtual gathering of our scientific community, after the cancellation of so many events in the past year. Please forward this communication to whoever might be interested, and feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
We look forward to e-meeting you soon,
Luigi, Chiaki, Ákos, and Tetsuya