Programma Dat@MI

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  • Mercoledì 7 febbraio
  • Giovedì 8 febbraio
  • Venerdì 9 febbraio
SEDE: Aula Magna - Università degli Studi di Milano

9.00 Registrazione
11.00 Saluti istituzionali
11.45 Chair: Mauro La Russa
Intervento su invito - Prof. Antonio Pezzino, vincitore Premio Mario Milazzo 2023 - Le pietre nell'architettura tardo barocca della Val di Noto
12.30 Pranzo
14.00 Chair: Letizia Bonizzoni
Intervento su invito - dott.ssa Anna Maria Fedeli - Archeologia e archeometria. Alcuni casi studio in contesti archeologici milanesi
14.30 Sessione 1 - Evoluzione delle tecniche diagnostiche nel tempo - Chair: Letizia Bonizzoni & Donata Magrini
Sara Croci - Comparative analysis of three-dimensional digitalization techniques for the exhibition of an Egyptian mummy of the Museo Egizio di Torino
Noemi Mantile - Advanced isotopic techniques to investigate Cultural Heritage: The research activities at the iCONa laboratory
Giulia Marcucci - Recent advances in neutron resonance transmission imaging and heritage science application
Lucilla Pronti - Macroscopic FT-IR, UV and XRF mapping for the in situ characterization of pictorial materials: Technological advances and applications
Martina Romani - Macroscopic FT-IR, UV and XRF mapping for the in situ characterization of pictorial materials: Technological advances and applications
Maria Luisa Saladino - To be or not to be? Open questions when the conventional approach is not working
16.00 Coffee break
16.30 Sessione 2 - I materiali nel tempo: tecnologia, degrado e conservazione - Chair: Alessandro Re & Maria Luisa Saladino
Fabrizio Antonelli - Evaluation of possible conservation methods for the stone façade of St. Stephen Cathedral (Vienna) on the model of the St. Mark Basilica in Venice
Andrea Bergomi - Elemental analysis of black crusts using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for the determination of pollutant sources
Irene Bertelli - Chemical degradation induced by the photo-aging of beeswax found as additive in multi-component archaeological adhesives
Heiko Lange - Development of Polyphenol-containing Konjac Glucomannan Hydrogels for Cleaning Historical Wood Surfaces
Lara Maritan - Strontium isotope analysis for pottery provenance studies along the Nile: does it work?
Rebecca Piovesan - Discovering the history of the wooden scene of the Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza: a multidisciplinary approach based on scientific analyses and HBIM
Maria Antonietta Zicarelli - Diagnostic investigation for the characterization of artificial stone materials (mortars, plasters, bricks) from the “Teatro di Marcello” (Rome)
SPONSOR TALK - BRUKER - Michele Gironda - Bruker XRF in cultural heritage, iconic instruments for art
19.00 Icebreaking event
Offerto da BIPAC, Centro Ricerche Patrimonio Storico, Artistico e Culturale dell'Università di Milano Bicocca

SEDE: Aula Martini, stanza 04 - Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca

8.15 Registrazione
9.00 Chair: Anni Galli
Intervento su invito - prof.ssa Sahra Talamo - Scandire il tempo dell’Homo sapiens con precisione: Radiocarbonio 3.0, il nuovo standard per le datazioni preistoriche
9.30 Sessione 3 - I materiali nel tempo: tecnologia, degrado e conservazione - Chair: Anna Galli & Lara Maritan
Valeria Comite - From macro- to micro-scale study and characterization of the 15th century painting Coronation of the Virgin
Chiara Andrea Lombardi - Characterization of cosmetic pigments found in shells from Iron Age graves (SE Arabia)
Fernanda Prestileo - The importance of microclimate monitoring as a basis for preventive conservation: a case study over time
Francesca Sabatini - The challenge of 19th century iron gall inks: from their detection to the disclosing of ageing mechanisms by an ultrasensitive HPLC-DAD-HRMS method
Elvira Scialla - Diagnostic analysis of the three paintings by Artemisia Gentileschi created for the Cathedral of San Procolo in Pozzuoli (Naples)
Letizia Bonizzoni - Fission Track Dating of obsidian samples from Lipari Neolithic settlements
11.00 Coffee break
11.30 Sessione 4 - Ricostruzioni storiche e stratigrafia & Comunicazione e fruizione dei beni culturali - Chair: Marco Gargano & Rosina Celeste Ponterio
Federico Di Iorio - A trustable multispectral photogrammetry pipeline for the reproduction of non-collaborative materials
Marta Caroselli - Study and radiocarbon dating of the Romanesque architecture in the church of Santa Maria Assunta in Sorengo (Ticino, Switzerland)
Matteo Maria Niccolò Franceschini - Preliminary petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical characterization of mortars from public buildings in Pompeii aiming at relative chronology
Chiara Girotto - The use of stone resources in the Roman architecture in Oderzo (Treviso, Italy)
Chiara Lucarelli - Archaeometric investigations on bronze artefacts from Acerra, Campania (Southern Italy): early results
Alberta Silvestri - The glass mosaic of S. Martino ai Monti: new data in the complex scenario of early Medieval Rome
13.00 Pranzo
14.30 Sessione 5 - Datazione assoluta e relativa - Chair: Mariaelena Fedi & Jeannette Jacqueline Lucejko
Evdokia Tema - Archaeomagnetic dating: Does archaeointensity determination improve the dating precision? Insights from an ancient kiln excavated at Ceva (Northern Italy)
Rosaria Galvagno - Exploring Luminescence Dating of carbonate fractions in historic mortars
Antonella Tumminello - When Absolute dating and indirect dating methods converge to magnify the archaeometric results: the case of the Eleousa icon from the Cefalù Cathedral
Carmine Lubritto - CASTLES Project: a multidisciplinary study on the chronological transformation of the Medieval Castles in Italy
Giulia Ricci - Rediscovering A Long-Forgotten Fresco by Giotto
Chiara Germinario - Preparation and characterization of archaeological mortars for radiocarbon dating: the case study of decorated plasters from Pollena Trocchia (Campania region)
Miriam Saleh - More on Mortar: the study of Capiate site with statistical and deconvolution analysis
SPONSOR TALK - JEOL - Gloria Vaggelli - Il microscopio e la microanalisi elettronica EDS raccontano le creazioni dell'uomo
16.30 Sessione Poster + Coffee break
18.00 Assemblea Soci AIAr
20.00 Cena sociale - Sala Liberty dell’Osteria del Treno, Via San Gregorio, 46, Milano

SEDE: Aula Martini, stanza 04 - Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca

8.15 Registrazione
9.00 Chair: Valeria Comite
Intervento su invito - dett. Paolo D'Imporzano - Analisi degli Isotopi di Piombo in Beni Culturali, Esplorando il Ruolo degli Isotopi di Piombo nel Bianco di Piombo e in Altri Media Artistici
9.30 Sessione 6 - Datazione assoluta e relativa - Chair: Simone Caglio & Valeria Comite
Lucia Liccioli - Late Antiquity Florence: a case study on necropolis outside the ancient roman walls
Sara Calandra - Optimization of the sample selection procedure of historical mortars for radiocarbon dating
Mariaelena Fedi - Twenty years of 14C-AMS dating at INFN-LABEC, Florence
Javier Pavón - Reconstructing the past geomagnetic field’s variation in Asia as a tool for archeomagnetic dating
Giusi Sorrentino & Laura Longo - New radiocarbon dates reveal Brînzeni I cave's oldest past
SPONSOR TALK - METROHM - Riccardo Brandiele - Raman Spectroscopy: material characterization for cultural heritage
11.00 Coffee break
11.30 Sessione 7 - Tecniche di elaborazione e analisi dei dati temporali & Datazione indiretta e autenticazione - Chair: Anna Gueli & Mauro Francesco La Russa
Margherita Longoni - Advanced analytical techniques to unravel the origin and dating of a presumed Caucasian floral carpet
Emanuela Massa - A Bridge between the Pillars of Hercules: Dating an Ancient Quranic Manuscript
Maria Francesca Alberghina - Combining RX results and historical-artistic features to recognize the attribution of XVII century wooden crucifixes: materials and techniques of the Fra’ Umile production
Jacopo Melada - Climate-based damage functions for geoheritage preservation: data governance and analysis perspective
SPONSOR TALK - TESTO - Luca Landi - Proteggere e monitorare le opere d’arte – anche da remoto
12.45 Chiusura lavori
15.00 Visita guidata - I Sette Palazzi Celesti 2004-2015 di Anselm Kiefer, Pirelli HangarBicocca

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