AIAr Thematic Conference Sustainability in Cultural Heritage
June 29th to July 1st, 2022
Cultural assets represent a unique heritage, the valorization of which relies on archaeometric research and proper diagnostic and conservation actions. This complex background has diverse competences, collaborating and building ties with one another, and the broad concept of sustainability represents one of its pillars becoming increasingly important and worth of promotion. Nowadays, more than ever, archaeometric investigations should be sustainable, in view of their own economic aspects and environmental implications. Even restoration can be conducted by means of green materials and methods. When it comes to the analysis of material culture and its role in understanding intangible cultural
heritage, the interdisciplinary framework of archaeometry allows disclosing the sustainable choices made in ancient productions, which may inspire the sustainable choices of the future. For these reasons, the Conference will discuss the numerous aspects related to the valorization and sustainability of cultural heritage, aiming at defining a more modern approach to the archaeometric research and highlighting its inferences on other fields of basic and applied research.
For information, contact the Organizing Committee at the following e-mail address:
- Characterization and Diagnostics
- Innovative Materials and Green Methods for Conservation and
Restoration - Archaeology and Archaeometry: Provenance and Dating
- Protection and Valorization
- Cultural Heritage and Climate Change
- Sustainability of Ancient Productions
- Communication for Cultural Heritage, Digitalization and 3D
Special session
Archaeometric study of the paintings in the Church of San Panfilo in Villagrande di Tornimparte (L’Aquila, Abruzzo) by Saturnino Gatti and his studio. This research was carried out by AIAr members, researchers and professionals affiliated with different Italian institutions and companies. The investigations were arranged in the framework of a scientific agreement with the Abruzzo Regional Secretariat of the Italian Ministry of Culture, in collaboration with the Superintendence of Archeology, Fine Arts, and Landscape of the city of L’Aquila and the municipalities of the Cratere.
The program will be available from 10 May 2022
Download the first call
In the “For authors” section you can download the template for submitting abstracts.
Important dates
February 15th, 2022 – Call for abstract
March 30th, 2022 – Deadline for abstract submission
May 10th, 2022 – Abstract acceptance/rejection and Publication of the final program
May 30th, 2022 2022 – Deadline for early-bird registration
Scientific Committee
Maria Francesca Alberghina
Fabrizio Antonelli
Anna Galli
Luigi Germinario
Celestino Grifa
Mauro Francesco La Russa
Donata Magrini
Claudio Mazzoli
Rosa Ponterio
Alessandro Re
Organising Committee
Chiara Coletti
Lara Maritan
Rebecca Piovesan
Alberta Silvestri
Elena Tesser
Alfonso Zoleo
Conference venues
The Thematic Conference will be held in two distinct locations:
June 29 | Aula Magna di Palazzo del Bo’, Via VIII Febbraio, 2, 35122 Padova
June 30 and July | Dipartimento di Geoscienze, Via G. Gradenigo 6, 35131 Padova
How to venues
Padua can be reached via:
- train – Trenitalia and Italo
- by bus from airports (consult the summer timetables)
Venezia Marco Polo (Lines EM E015 Z – E015 V)
Treviso Antonio Canova (Lines E060_Z/E060_V)
How to move
Both locations are located about 15 minutes walk from Padua train station and are reachable by public transport
- Palazzo del Bo’: stop PONTI ROMANI lines: tram, 3, 5, 11, 12, 13, 16, 22
- Dipartimento di Geoscienze: stop VENEZIA lines: 7, 10, 18, or stop PORTELLO line 9
Other transport:
- Taxi
- bikes and electric bikes with GoodBike e RideMovi
- electric scooters with BITMobility e Dott
The historic center of Padua has an offer of accommodation of various types and for all price ranges.
Fee type | AIAr member | Not AIAr member |
Standard | € 190,00 | € 250,00 |
Reduced (before May 30th, 2020)* | € 160,00 | — |
Student or Post-Doc** | € 110,00 | € 150,00 |
* AIAr members in good standing with the payment of the 2022 membership fee and new members enrolled in the association before May 20th, 2022 will be able to take advantage of the reduced fee. The discount will be applicable only if the proof of payment by Bank transfer is sent together with the registration form.
** students, fellows, doctoral students, research fellows, Co.Co.Co.
Terms of payment
- Bank transfer to
IBAN: IT 46 K 02008 15004 000004115771
Purpose of the transfer: Nome Cognome, iscrizione congresso AIAr 2020 - Cash or Card (credit or debit) at the desk during the congress
Registration form
Download the template to be used for the preparation of the abstracts to be sent via email to:
Oral presentation
Information available soon
Information available soon
Before the Conference, the 4th AIAr Summer School will be held at the Department of Geosciences of the University of Padova, on June 27th and 28th, 2022. The School will be an important moment for education and discussion to any PhD student and research fellow working in the field of applied sciences for cultural heritage. The School’s theme is “Pigments: from macro to micro” and will include theoretical lectures and practical activities in the laboratory, together with the visit to the 14th century frescoes of Padova Urbs Picta (UNESCO World Heritage Site). The School is open to 20 young researchers, younger than 35 and holding a Master’s degree in a scientific or humanistic subject related to cultural heritage. Priority of admission is reserved to PhD students working on a project involving cultural heritage. The participation is free of charge, provided that the registration to the Conference is done by May 15th, 2022.
Preliminary program – AIAr Summer school 2022
Important dates
June 27th-28th, 2022 – AIAr Summer School
May 15th, 2022 – Deadline for the applications to the 4th AIAr Summer School
Application Form
The application form must be sent to filled out in its entirety
For information, contact the Organizing Committee at the following e-mail address:
Organized by
