The geological perspective in human history

Si svolgerà a Milano dal 10 al 12 settembre 2014 il congresso SGI-SIMP.
Portiamo alla vostra attenzione la SESSIONE T6 – The geological perspective in human history


(scadenza presentazione abstracts: 15 maggio 2014)
Conveners: A. Renzulli (Univ. Urbino), L. Rook (Univ. Firenze), M. Cremaschi (Univ. Milano)
The history of humankind has been influenced by geological perturbations such as volcanism, earthquakes, floods and climate changes. In addition, long term anthropogenic influence on geomorphic processes (e.g. soil formation, erosion and sediment transportation) significantly changed the environment at planetary scale. The availability of geo-resources may also affect the relationships among human communities as concerning the improvement of the technology, the welfare and the economy of society. This session aims to focus on recent research in geoarcheology, archaeometry, paleontology and paleoanthropology and effects of geological events and processes on civilizations, and on consequences of the human activity on the environment.

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