About us
The Associazione Italiana di Archeometria (AIAr) (Italian Archaeometric Society), established in 1993, is the main Italian association of scholars and researchers working in the field of scientific applications to Cultural Heritage Assets. As specified in the Charter, its aim is to “promote and develop activities of research, education and professional for the study and protection of the Cultural Heritage, by using scientific methods. It encourages contact between researchers of the sciences and of the humanities, to face issues concerning the study, restoration and conservation of the Cultural Heritage”.
The professional figures reporting to AIAr are the following:
- professors and researchers at universities or public research organizations in the fields of physics, chemistry, geology and biology, as well as engineering and architecture;
- archaeologists, art historians and restorers who are carrying out activities of study, control, conservation and safeguard of the archaeologic and artistic heritage;
- Professionals active in diagnostics, archaeologic research, preventive and emergency archaeology, restoration, regional and urban planning.
Here at AIAr, the theoretical, methodological and research competences are always interacting with the ever-changing diagnostics, restoration and conservation needs, and this crystallizes in innovative proposals and approaches. The practical outcome are the themed conventions, organized on specific topics (masonry, mortar, glass, color, biologic material, modern art, new technologies) and the space dedicated to non-invasive techniques, technology for in situ investigation, refinement of dating techniques and forgery-identification techniques, development of complete systems to monitor conservation spaces.
In particular, the activity of young people who show interest in Archaeometry is promoted, both by funding it through awards or scholarships, and with training courses to enter the world of work.
The AIAr National Convention, which is held every two years, is by now an important date for the Italian archaeometric community; it attracts increasingly numerous and qualified presence of young researchers.
AIAr members receive the Newsletter, and Records of Conferences and Conventions; additionally, they have the opportunity to sign up at a reduced price for the journals “Archaeometry” and “Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences” and can benefit from reduced fees for membership to SIF (Italian Physical Society) and SCI (Italian Chemical Society)
Why join?
- To be an integral part of the Italian archaeometric community.
- To get in touch with the principal experts in the various fields of archaeometry, and discover in real time the state of the art of its disciplines and their development.
- To know who does what in archaeometry in Italy and in the world; to know who to contact for an opinion, a professional consultancy, an exchange of views, an analysis, an interpretation…
- To discover and follow the most significant initiatives and dates in Italy and in the world.
- To be updated on study and work proposals in Italy and abroad.
- To subscribe at the SIF (Italian Physical Society) with a reduced fee
- To access funds in support of the research and study activity for junior members
- To spread the role of science in conservation and appreciation of the Cultural Heritage
Registration to AIAr occurs by acceptance of the application submitted by the interested party to the President, after verification of the requirements set out in art. 3 of the Statute. The President, having examined and accepted the applications of new Members, is required to notify the Board of Directors during periodic meetings.
You are officially registered with the Italian Association of Archaeometry only after approval by the Board of Directors (CD) of the membership application.
To request membership, use the following form (in Italian); the fee will be paid only after receiving notification of acceptance.
Ordinary members:
- 45,00 €
Junior members (age under 35 by December 31 of the current year):
- 20,00 €
Collective members:
- from 2150,00 €
Supporting members:
- from 315,00 €
Payments and renewals
You can pay for both first memberships and renewals by using the following methods:
- Cash or cards at the administration stand during the annual convention
- With a bank transfer to
IBAN: IT 46 K 02008 15004 000004115771
Specifying in the reason for payment: Name(s) Surname, membership/renewal and year - Online with cards or PayPal accounts using one of the following links