Young People Help Desk

AIAr supports the activities of its young unattached researchers who are involved in archaeometric projects with an undisputed value, by granting targeted financial contributions.
Every year AIAr announces prizes dedicated to the memory of its founding member Salvatore Improta, reserved to young researchers who are active and deserving in the field of Archaeometry.


  1. Requests for funding will be based on refund of specific expenses incurred (or to incur during the current year) for the execution of a research project, documented with original invoices, and not otherwise financed.
  2. We will only consider application from members who are up to date with membership fees and are not older than 35 at the expiry of the announcement.
  3. The deadlines to submit applications are March 31st and September 30th every year.
  4. The notice of the application outcome will be sent within 15 days from the expiry date for their submission.
  5. The applications must be sent to the President of AIAr only via e-mail ( and must include:
    • Brief résumé of the candidate
    • Description of the activity to be carried out or already carried out in the current year (max 2 pages)
    • Reason for the request (max 1 page)
    • Estimated total cost and funding requested from AIAr
  6. To obtain funds, successful applicants must produce the original invoices and a report of the activity.


The Associazione Italiana di Archeometria (Italian Society of Archaeometry) announces for the year 2023 a prize of € 1,000 for young researchers who have excelled in the field of Archaeometry.
To participate in the selection process, candidates who are younger than 35 on 31.12.2023 must send to the President of AIAr, within December 15, 2023, to the e-mail address the following documents in pdf format:

  • Application form
  • Introduction from a referring member of the Association
  • Résumé with a list of all publications
  • Up to three publications

The prize will be awarded by a committee nominated by the Governing Council of AIAr


Award for the best oral presentation by a young AIAr member

Starting from 2021, AIAr established the “Susanna Bracci Award”, to reward the best scientific contribution presented as oral communication at the annual AIAr congress by a young member.
The award is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Susanna Bracci, ISPC-CNR researcher and active member of AIAr, who died prematurely in 2021, who passionately carried out her research work in the field of archeometry and sciences applied to conservation, contributing to the development and growth of the Association.
The prize will be assigned during the final stages of the congress and consists of free registration for the conference of the year after the one for awarding the prize.
The requirements to participate in the selection are as follows:

  • be under 35 at the start date of the Congress;
  • be the author and speaker of the scientific work presented;
  • be an AIAr Member in good standing with the membership fees.

The examining committee will be constituted by the President and/or by members of the CD  who will be able to avail themselves of the opinion of experts.
The moderators of the conference sessions will have the task of evaluating the presentations on the basis of the following criteria (applying for each criterion a scale 1-5 where 1 is minimum and 5 maximum):

  1. innovation and methodological originality of the contribution;
  2. clear application implications in the archaeometric field;
  3. clarity of presentation and organization of contents/results.

The winner will be indicated on the basis of the overall score received by each scientific contribution.
In the event of equal merit, the award will be assigned to the younger speaker.


  • 2003 Simone Porcinai
  • 2004 Gianluca Quarta
  • 2005 Maria Elena Fedi,  Lara Maritan*
  • 2006 Erika Ribechini, Novella Grassi
  • 2007 Alberta Silvestri, Cristina Chiavari
  • 2008 Rossella Arletti, Alessandra Bonazza
  • 2009 Elena Basso, Feredico Bernardi
  • 2010 Laura Panzeri, Marco Maggi
  • 2011 Paola Ricciardi, Erica Aquila
  • 2012 Ilaria Degano,  Francesca Longo
  • 2013 Silvestro Antonio Ruffolo
  • 2014 Alessandro Re
  • 2015 Andrea Ceglia
  • 2016 Francesca Caterina Izzo
  • 2017 Michela Ricca
  • 2018 Jacopo La Nasa, Natalia Rovella
  • 2019 Chiara Germinario
  • 2020, Claudia Invernizzi
  • 2021, Giacomo fiocco
  • 2022 Francesco Armetta

* Massimo Rossi Award


  • 2021 Maria Verde
  • 2022 Chiara Germinario
  • 2023 Leila Es Sebar

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